Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Book 3 - Blog 1 - Hollywood Insider Exposed

Book Details:
Hollywood Insider Exposed
Secrets, Stars and Showbiz
Pages: 255
Pages read: 64

Words on page 50: 363 (33 x 11)
Words in book: 92,565 (averaged)
ISBN 9781741106985
Author: Nelson Aspen
Published: 2008 by New Holland Publishers Australia (Pty Ltd)

Well, book 3 has been commenced. I think I might be a few days behind, as I think I should be finished book 3 by now (tomorrow is January 21). No worries, I will catch up during the next week or two, when I am on a plane flying to Western Australia for work.
Anyway, book 3 is all about the glitzy and glamorous life of Nelson Aspen. Nelson is the Hollywood reporter that appears on the morning show, Sunrise, each morning, along with Kochy and Mel. As you would expect from a book like this, the names and the stars mentioned are huge. From Brangolina to Ellen to Jim Carey, amongst many, many others. There really are too many to mention. There is an index at the front of the book, and it lists all of the celebrities that are discussed in the book, and it takes up two whole pages of names.

Nelson starts the book off on a really positive note, where he focuses on the use of gossip for the entertainment of the massess. He says that it is good for the water cooler, not good for the masses. Intriguing, given his role in life. As I read through the book, it is interesting to see that he dedicates chapters to celebrities, such as Brangolina and Ellen and Portia. I guess, at a stretch, you could say that the chapters are not gossip. Maybe I don't really have a good understanding of the word gossip. He probably thinks that gossip is anything harmful, or negative. In some ways, I think talking about other people is gossip. This blog is probably gossip, then. Well, I'll be. Another good thing is that he is very positive in his notes and review of the celebrities. He really does discuss their positive sides, and talks about how much he enjoys spending time with them. He rates Brangolina as his favourite couple and favourite celebrities. He rates Jeff Goulblum as the tallest, at 6 foot 5, and he says Jeff is quite daunting, staring down at you. He would be. Apparently, Ellen and Portia have a great relationship, and his mentor Mary Stuart, was a huge role model for him. Nice.

Oh, and Nelson explains why they call them 'soap operas'. "They were called soaps because the programs were sponsored by the makers of household products like laundry and dish detergents." Yep, every day is a school day (you always learn something).

Nelson appears to be a very rounded character. He appears to be very likable, he maintains great relationships with celebrities, and he has an outstanding contact list - as you would expect. He loves his job, stays fit, is up early every day and is quite popular with viewers. He has had some auditions for acting roles, with only limited success. He is living the dream, and he lives in Hollywood, mixing with stars at every opportunity. Let's face it, who wouldn't want his job. What a blast it must be.
The one thing that I can't get my head around, is that they call him "Hollywood's happiest TV personality." Now, that might very well be right. I am sure it is, but I find him a little unenthusiastic, if there is such a word. He might be happy, but I don't see him as very energetic. He just seems to smile alot. Is that happy, I guess so. When I think about happy TV personalities, I think of Richard Reid (the Hollywood insider on the competition network) or Steve Irwin, for example.

These guys are buzzing. They have natural energy. I have never really watched Nelson, but the book looked interesting, so I bought it cheaply (on sale - another book at discount price) for this blog. I thought I better watch Nelson on TV, so I watched his coverage of the Golden Globes, and he really seemed to just smile and talk without much passion. Well, it obviously works for him, and his fans, I just don't find that sort of personality entertaining, or inspiring. I am more in for someone who is pumping and roaring with life. Anyway, that is Jimmy's call on Jimmy's blog.

Nelson also does some great charity work, which is very moral and responsible. Great work. And, he is a comic book and super hero fan. Each to his own, I suppose.


I think there are many positives from Nelson's life and his example that we could all take something from. Get up early, make the most of your life, mix with amazing people, stay fit and live the dream. I think probably sums up his life. He just needs to liven up a bit, and get excited occasionally. But, hey, who am I really to comment, he might say.

Until next time, keep reading.
Jimmy A

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